Technology plays a big role in the pursuit of sustainability and economic development.  Sustainable technologies include technologies that use durable, low-maintenance, recyclable and economic materials and technologies, including materials and technologies that can be locally sourced to reduce transportation costs.  Sustainable technologies may be incorporated...

A management system refers to what an organization does to manage its structures, processes, activities and resources in order that its products or services meet the organization’s objectives, such as satisfying the customer’s quality requirements, complying with regulations and/or meeting environmental objectives.  Elements of a...

Sustainable management is ethical management, and businesses seeking to act in a sustainable manner need to take ethics seriously and establish and enforce ethical standards for current and future workers.  However, defining “ethics” and identifying “ethical behavior” are not easy tasks.  It is has been...

Community engagement and investment is a multi-faceted activity that requires formal management and planning.  Working with and in the community is part of the broader corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) activities of the company and this means that management should begin at the top of the...